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Updates + Big Announcement

I thought I start off how dormant this blog has been with a good ol' update post. Cause there's nothing like going back in the blogger grind than just telling y'all what's been up since the last one. It's been a year since that post so ya girl has went through a whole LOT. I am now finally in my first year of degree, I got into the high committee for my DJ Club, I've been more creative with editing photos (check it out on the gram @twistlist) and moved to a better apartment where I can finally COOK along with dope housemates. Through all the stress and never ending work I got from school, life honestly has been really good to me and I'm just grateful to be where I am. Won't lie though; I had my dips this past year with adulting, getting things together and balancing it all. Self deprecation is a habit I am trying to curb and not do as often since its sort of my coping mechanism to stress. We are not about that this year, not anymore.

I've also am trying to focus my social energy more for quality results rather than quantity and so far I am so glad at this frame of mind. It just feels rewarding when you just start to kinda compartmentalize a bit and really choose how you spend your time. Sure you may not have a say with who you have to work with and interact all the time but if you could, you should try it out. I've also just being trying to continuously glow up mentally, emotionally and physically (kinda on the last one). I'm trying to get back into reading and eating healthy. Sounds really hippy I know but its honestly what I've been into and enjoying. I've been learning to cook more though I tend to really cook a dish a lot after I aced it on the first try since I'm a hopeless creature of habit. I'm still just as into all things beauty, skincare and fashion so those content are still underway don't worry! Writing is also up there in my list of "things to do avidly again" and this poem titled "Ruin" that I wrote above (literally cause I was inspired by the word itself and side note: huÇ’ = 'fire' in Chinese and pero = 'but' in Spanish in the poem) is my initiation step to that. Writing this up actually propelled me to think more about my own personal prejudices and issues that only very close circles know, hoping one day that I can come in terms with them and stop projecting them. Maybe someday I might even share it on here but for now its really a work in progress and for once, I'm not frustrated about it.

Now for the reveal: Denise (from Durneeze the blog) and I are doing a PODCAST together called "Nuts & Berry"! If you have been following either of us (follow her @durneeze), you know that we opened a Instagram account, @nutnberry and been hinting for awhile on there about this new creative venture as well as serving you some classic blog-esque content in IG style. We are excited to finally announced what exactly we been up to and our first episode will be up on SoundCloud soon this coming September so do follow us to stay on tabs when that happens. We will announce once it is officially uploaded but for now big thank you to those who followed us, engaged and interacted with what we been posting up. We are honestly shook at the amount of love and excitement you all have been giving even before you really knew what exactly 'Nuts and Berry' was. It truly means a ton to both of us. That being said, until next time amigos!


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