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  For those new to my blog, hi and thanks for stumbling here (whether accidentally or not I am grateful). If you generally want to know me, check out my profile so you know what you're in for. For those who knew about this blog, if you haven't noticed, I've made a few changes and this post entails the reason. I'm finishing high school and to be honest, I have no plans on my education past that but we'll eventually have to. However, I decided to take up on writing more despite the on coming responsibilities. I plan to write reviews, expressing my thoughts on  books and movie and the like. Post some outfits as well, just need to work on being able to pose head to toe whenever and wherever I can. So there's thing in my head that will be published in the future and so with that in mind, I decided to change the name (yes *Douglas, I can see you your smug smirk), look and give it slightly more clarity as to what I will post and what are they all about.

It's generally, gonna be reviews about anything I wish to share. Food, Books, Movie and TV shows and definitely fashion related things. I wanna share also a bit of my interest like the photos I took of my friends from photo shoots. Stuff I DIY which I'm currently working on some as of today. I'll squeeze in also news on my life as well here and there. I'm also determined to try and squeeze in some short stories for your enjoyment and constructive critical mind to judge. Getting down to it, I'm trying to really clean up my writing and the way I present my thoughts. There's always room for improvement right? Hence, this is the way I'll start doing that. Which is why I deleted some embarrassing old post of mine because those were.. well really bad and I don't miss them. Not even one heartache. As for the name (give it a rest Douglas), it doesn't have much meaning except maybe I like flowers and that behind their fine petals, there is more to their beauty. Why french word for flower? Because I think it sound beautiful as a lot of french words are and plus the whole name is three syllables with it than with the word "flower" and names are so much better to me anyway with an odd number of syllables. 

Hope you guys stick around for the upcoming posts. The one after this will be a post on my hometown and why I love it. Typical I know but got to start somewhere. Leave a comment if you have any thoughts on the post before this post, I welcome them. Bye guys.


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