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DIY: Rosewater

If you have been looking up at my hauls, you know I'm a huge fan for skincare and lately I've been more interested in going as natural as I like in my routine. Don't get me wrong, certain chemicals are good for us (e.g. Retinol, Amino Acids and Salicylic Acid just to name a few) too but there is also something very reassuring knowing the products you use are Paraben Free or Alcohol Free and all that. I feel like you're less likely to mess up your skin that way. With that same passion combine with my interest of DIY, I give you: The Rosewater.

In one of my previous posts, I have highly praised my Fresh Rose Floral Toner and still do but I'll admit coming into the end of my third bottle that my skin have now adapted to it. It just isn't quite as effective since but I still commend it for keeping any irritation to my skin at bay. It isn't worth getting it anymore given how pricey it was but I still couldn't part from its calming effects so making this cost me just RM15 and only in buying 3 stalks of roses. Huge save from the RM157 (I think?) that the Fresh one cost. Plus you get the purest essence of the roses meaning better effects so here how you get to it:

What You'll Need:
1.3 Roses (Whichever colour you want, I used pink ones)
2. A big bowl
4.A pot
5. A stove
6. A bottle/spray bottle


First rinse the petals before plucking them off. You can do it after too while placing in your bowl by pouring water into and "washing" down the petal before draining the water out but I find doing it before plucking easier. The rinse is important as you'll be stripping off any potential chemicals used in growing the roses. You'll find a lot of petals to pluck on just one stalk but I keep plucking just till I reach the tiny petal encircling the pollen part of flower. Keep doing this to all your roses while gathering the petals in your bowl.

Once you've done that, place all your petals in the pot. Then pour water into it, just enough that the water "covers" the petals. So try not to put too much to avoid over diluting the essence of the roses. Place the pot on your stove and boil it with medium heat. You can use high heat to make the boiling process speed up but always check on it as it takes about few minutes for it to be finished. The indication that you're done would be when the petals completely loses its colour. It should turn white and the water will turn a light brown colour which means you can turn off the fire.

After that, take away the petals and pour the leftover content into your bottle.


1. Rose Toner/Mist
Like I said it works wonders in soothing and calming your skin, so I would definitely recommend you using a spray bottle and using either as a toner or as a mist whenever you have like some irritation or dryness on your face. It can definitely be use over your make up by lightly spraying from a few inches from your face. Do keep it in your fridge since there are no preservatives in this, plus it'll up the cooling effect so much more and that's a win for your pores!

2. Extra Ingredient
I've been using this a lot in my beauty DIY's lately and it just really levels up beauty products I make no matter how simple it was in making it. You can add drops of it in your scrubs or mix it in other types of toners. Just get creative! That being said:

Its no secret that this post came sudden from all the desolation my blog been having due to life but I got some time now and to show I have been working on things for the blog in my absence; there will be some new effective skincare DIY's and updates coming so stick around for that! Also my girl, Durneeze, uploaded a video that you should go and check out: click "here" for the post about it. Until next time, hope you guys have a great day!


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