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TV Guilty: The Blacklist

Hello peeps! As you all know how I am a TV show lover, I'm just starting out this new section of reviewing my fav TV shows called "TV Guilty". While you can expect that I can't give professional critique, I will illustrate this part of the posting in such a way that I will dissect out all the good points of this series the way I learned to from my Lit teacher. So let's get to it.

Story Summary and Concept

The story starts off with Raymond Reddington, a notorious criminal aka "The Concierge of Crime" aka one of FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, surrenders to the FBI himself. He offers a deal with them to aid them to catch dangerous, cold and the most interesting criminals that even they aren't even aware exist. Of course in exchange for complete immunity from prosecution and that he only communicates with rookie profiler Elizabeth Keen. Raymond who was once a former government agent went off the grid one night 20 years ago and came back dabbling into the dark side of crime. The thing is why is he coming out in the open now? And who is Elizabeth Keen? Moreover, why is he capturing these deadly crooks for the FBI? This are the questions you're gonna care extremely about when you watch the show.

If you love crime, thriller, "Castle", "Bones", and cleverly written plots, The Blacklist should be on your watchlist. Raymond isn't without the title as Concierge and doing business with FBI without a solid reason and he has a list, of all the criminals he plans to capture and let me tell you that those people are the baddest. I mean Raymond is equally and sometimes even more evil but these criminals are everything you could find the out of the ordinary so intriguing. Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and the list goes on for the sickest yet charming. Each episode is labelled by the name of someone from Ray's list and their even numbered. The higher the number, the higher the danger. And sometimes it even means more interesting and varying personalities. A tip from me is to look out for episodes showing names that are numbered in the top 20 or 30.Those episodes are double the action, thrill and suspense and just have an extra oomph to them. 

The story is also weaved in mystery, mainly about Raymond and Elizabeth. Why does he possess such paternal instincts with her is the biggest debate among us Blacklist fans. Of course we're all betting he's her daughter but the thing that makes this show something to be so hooked on is that it makes you think you got the whole thing figured out but then it turns out you don't. The key theme that is so beautifully played here is that nothing is as they seem or presented. You have these attractive (personality wise usually) and relatable characters but by the time the episode ends, you realize you don't actually know anything about them. And this repeats while you gain this immense curiosity and thrill to know the real truth. Don't worry though, you will gain key pointers to figure out the show's mysteries as it progresses and the real fun is making your own conclusion and see whether you're right. Raymond who is a character full of wit and charm and has the best lines to say that comes hand in hand with the cold decisive criminal in him is even more attention grabbing with his opposing and unwavering care for Liz. He is knitted in these contradictions and characteristics that pulls you to him and more often than Liz herself would willingly admit, even has you to care for this guy.

I love how you have to second guess yourself because since Red's arrival, Liz finds out the reality of her life and second guessing yourself isn't just a way of life living in worry but rather to always never have expectations but never let it falter you to thread through life with all you have. You might think you're sick or twisted, but if you're not threatening, this show might just reveal to you that what're you're feeling isn't all that weird after all. Can't wait to go home and watch the next episode because you want to find out if they reveal anything about the huge puzzle? The Blacklist has their own YouTube channel with videos like "Top 3 Things you need to know" for every episode that gets released. Suuuppeer convenient for the real curious ones.

The Characters

Ray being the most enigmatic character is played by none other than James Spader. If you have watched any movies, broadways or tv series with him in it you know this man was meant to act Red. He got nominated like a ton for best actor on TV for season 1 of The Blacklist and guys, he's up for more potential awards for season 2. Not only does he get the sassiest, smartest lines to say to someone and get away with it, Red himself is also somewhat a profiler and he's endearing way with Keen makes him says the most poetic lines that just keeps on convincing us that he HAS to be the father. Its kinda frustrating but I don't plan to stop myself from knowing the truth. Red is just the kind of extraordinary guy who can talk about an interesting story of his smoothly whilst someone is dying as he does to a socializing audience. Despite all his wrongs, you can't ignore the kind of suffering this man have gone through. The scenes where he is at his most vulnerable just goes to show how he displays the double facade we all got. Outside we are living life and no one does it best like Red who's been everywhere and experienced everything. However, behind closed doors, we carry in our hearts the burdens that weighs on us far too much than we prefer to handle and I relate with him the most at these moments. And he is mostly so right its freaking frustrating and totally cool simultaneously. He is so many things and a lot of time omniscient yet he isn't afraid to get down and dirty to get things done. Lot of the time as he challenges those who don't trust him, he poses this inner unconscious question that we all dare not utter yet he sees through us because like I said, he's quite the profiler. And book lover. He. Is. Just. Brilliant.

Then there is the very special Elizabeth Keen acted by Megan Boone who has some experience with crime dramas. I love her almost as equally as I do Red. Her character development is extremely good and I envy so much at those who have written her character. She's grown stronger in will and mind but like every real women who are fierce, they go through serious shiitake to overcome them to gain all that strength. Shes even smarter and sly which can all be because of her communicative relationship with Red that has taught her a thing or two to handle tight situations. Plus, like all real women, you don't always make the best decision in how you deal with it. She makes mistakes because no matter how much she learns to think like a seasoned criminal, she isn't a killer and she's such a good person, she deserves more than the poop she's been getting in life. Sure she has these moment where you kinda think she tapped into her slightly darker side but let's be real, in her situation, who wouldn't go off the rails. Megan is also reallllly gorgeous guys, like look at her. Gah. One thing for sure, she's won a spot next to Olivia Pope .

And just to put it out there we have the two handsome characters who are so good looking, so intriguing and realistic in characters, Keen's partner, Agent Ressler, and the suave spy who managed to trick Liz he was in love with her and be her husband for a few years, Tom Keen.  Ladies, do click their names for pictures and see if any of them are familiar. Its worth that one press as they are total eye candy.


With the winding of a good plot, you can expect some of the best selections of song for certain scenes. From picking a song so ironically the opposite of the situation to one that sounds so lighthearted despite the heaviest tension happening. There is everything. The oldies, the jazz, the R&B, urban pop and the whole clique. The newest song they ever used is a couple songs by John Newman who I can access through the radio and YouTube, and even he didn't make it to my playlist. I got Swan Lake Op. 20 by Tchaikovsky in my phone. I'm way into Divisionary (Do The Right Thing) by Ages and Ages. They have such a good hand in using some Tom Odell songs too. As this is way longer than I expected, I'll stop soon but seriously watch the show and you'll discover a treasure of music that isn't given enough credit. Plus you can join me and be in awe of the genius of the production team that knows how to make you just enjoy music on such an elevated level.

So finally I hope I have thoroughly convinced you to go and watch this because this is worth your attention. Its like reading a very very good book but on TV or laptop as it is your privilege to watch them. With that, I leave you a quote by Red and one that just ties the whole show in no better words:

"I can only lead you to the truth;
 I cannot make you believe it" 


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