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School Camp 2013

Due to whereabouts of the pictures I took for the make-up review, I can't make the review right now but I do have something for all of you to read and see. My long-and-what-seem-like-will-never-end exam ended last Tuesday and we still had 3 days of school before our 2 week holiday. So on Wednesday we hang with St. Simon primary school to celebrate mass for St. Simon's Day and Kaamatan celebration which was alright. Then we had this camp that the school organized for those who want to join and obviously I signed up for it. I never really camp before and it was a good way to spend Thursday and Friday so we were pretty excited.

Day 1
My friends which included Chan Yng, Fran and Denise had plan a few things like sleeping the night at school in a tent rather than in the air-conditioned rooms just for experience and we had movies listed to watch as well. So one person at least brought 3 stuffed bags to the camp. We had to be there around 7 in the morning for registration which later I found out a total of 49 students were attending. So while waiting for everyone to arrive, we did a bit of selfies here and there.

We all agreed to bring a pair of sunnies because we predicted we might be out in the sun a lot. Chan yng (girl on the left) brought this blanket that was big enough for me and her to share and some delicious chocolate and snacks. Denise (on the right) had brought her foldable mattress for us and some snacks as well like marshmallow mmm... Fran (above all of us) had brought the tent and a mat as well. I brought my laptop for the movies and my polaroid as I thought that it would be perfect for the event.

Here is another selfie. Two smiling girls, me in my crooked shades and an upside down Fran. So after everyone was registered, we had a group picture and a briefing as well as to sign up which activity were we joining. I at first only signed up for treasure hunting which is on the second day but also somehow end up also being signed up for cultural night which is where a group from each student house (St. John, Scouts and Red Crescent)  has to perform something to the campers. Thanks Denise, still love ya though.

We had help with the school's new teacher who teaches the special student, Miss Fay, who was a great singer and helped in guiding us. Our group consist of Denise, Chan yng, me, Denise's younger brother, Kevin and a junior name Amir. Amir was a really REALLY good beat boxer and he recommended an acapella version of Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" because he knew how to beat box to it really well and I was very comfortable with my role of making the background noise with Kevin while Denise and Chan work on singing and remembering the lyrics. After some hours of practicing, we took a break at the co-cum center with a couple of teachers. It was raining heavily unexpectedly with thunder and lightning that could be seen not far. There was this drain where water was falling from at the side of a tall high roof of the basketball court that looks like one long narrow waterfall and all the boys were dragging, climbing and chasing any male in sight that were dry and putting them under the same waterfall. It was kind of like some weird sacrificial ceremony was happening; which reminded me one of the many blessings of being a girl. While everyone was busy either participating in the "baptism" that was going on or watching the whole event, Chan and I were in one of the rooms at the center with a couple of people who took comfort at the strong rain and napped.

Chan was the one who decided that we should use this table-less chair and posed in it. Credits to her for the collage and filter. We've missed two event which was one where you had to set up a tent with a cloth, some ropes and long branches and the other one was a running obstacle course. Both of which I didn't signed up for nor watch because of practice for the Cultural Night and watching Emma Roberts and her British friends side-stepping down the stairs to a party in the movie "Wild Child" with Denise, Chan and two juniors of ours. That particularly scene was the most momentous to us and we would later on repeated that when going down the stairs with our shades on for the pure fun of it. We later tried to be early in hogging the showers before there was too many people waiting which we succeeded. After that we joined the barbecue which took some time as we have to wait for the rice to be cooked.

Some of the boys from our house were grilling the chicken we marinated the day before. As usual, Chan, Fran, Denise and I were involved in that as we were given the honor to clean some frozen packaged chicken and then massaging some barbecue sauce into them. Lovely. We did all that in the kitchen of the teacher's office while singing songs like "I love it" by Icona Pop to fill the silence.

Of course, we had something to do while waiting for the food which was to melt the chocolate that was brought to dip marshmallows into. We at first tried the "melt the chocolate by putting it in a bowl and immersing the bottom half of it in a boiling pot" but we got two bowls from the canteen  that were both the same size instead of one and a pot cuz we weren't allowed to use the stove or anything and didn't really melt much, so we seek assistance from the auntie from the cafeteria to help us in melting it faster. So it finally look less like diarrhea and more like the tempting chocolate sauce we were going for. We all tested it out and it was heavenly. Our expectations met. It was a bit too sweet for a couple of the teacher though. However, that chocolate was one good sauce.

Dinner came. The chicken we marinated was delicious, obviously since it was marinated by us but to me that night, it was the sausages that I kept on munching. I just devoured them the way Taylor Swift devour the male species only I didn't make songs out of each one I ate. I didn't know whether its because I haven't eaten a sausage for quite some time or Vincent, my classmate and one of the few who were in charge of grilling the meat, had added some weird ingredient which I didn't see before eating.

We had a whole lot of time before the concert once we were done with dinner and took this chance to set up our tent with the help of my always trusty friend, Robert who was the first to set his tent up without much trouble as he was experienced. He helped us with ours at the foyer then we later learned the volleyball court was cooler and moved there. Ours is the green tent behind the white and grey one. This photo was taken by Teacher Alex, my awesome English teacher and vice-principle, who is equipped with the skills of a ninja because he just loves to take photos of everyone without being noticed. It looks small but let me tell you its pretty huge. All of us could stand up and there would be some distance between the top of our heads and the curved ceiling; when lying down, you don't have to fold your legs as there are enough space for you to stretch your whole body as well as a spot for all of our bags which let me remind you that each of us had at least brought 3 bags.

See? We all could lie down and just pretty much chill. Picture taken by Chan. Both the mattress and mat brought covered about 3/4 of the floor of our comfy abode. After moving to the volleyball court, it was less stuffy, especially when morning came. Attached to the tent outside was a sort of black mat where we put all our shoes and slippers. Before we could further enjoy our temporary home, we had to practice a bit more on the song and be ready for our Cultural Night. When we did, we were all nervous but have pep talk ourselves to just have fun and relax at that point. I didn't made any mistakes except nearly singing the wrong tune but thankfully no one notice except for Kevin. Though the real star of our performance was Amir who really shined with his beat boxing because it was ways better than when we practice since he was still quite shy but he really let loose then. I was very impressed at the time and just watch him as he did his thing while putting the mic at his throat. Just looking at him doing beat boxing was already a performance. The other two performance was a mashup of two songs and some traditional dancing here and there. We all had a lot of fun with everybody just clapping, cheering and enjoying.

So we went back to our tent again. I think there was about top 3 things that we wished we had. Number 1 is mosquito repellent and number 2 would be a lamp. Mosquitoes just attack everywhere and we had a few occasions where we slap blindly in the darkness, not even sure if we smack anything at all. Chan took this photo having to use flash this time and Denise still pitched in despite calling on her phone. Lastly number 3 would be a fan because while we were awake, it was pretty hot; Chan and Denise had spend some time outside where there was cooler air with others while Fran and I watched the movie "27 dresses" and stayed in the tent, our legs draped in covers to shield whatever area of skin that has yet to be bitten.

We stared at the glowing moon that night; Denise told us how she was afraid we got struck by thunder considering the strong rain we had in the afternoon; we had loads of girl talk and grew just a bit more closer to each other. Before midnight, we were still awake talking and Teacher Alex was patrolling, advising us to sleep and he looks nearly like one of those chinese vampires as he was wearing those type of chinese-styled shirt without any gel in his hair as we were used to seeing him and with his spectacles that time. He wasn't like a scary looking Dracula but his ears was so pointy and he's quite fair skin that he strike me as a vampire when I first met him. We all finally slept and I woke up the earliest before 6 in the morning. The air was chilly and no one else seem awake. The school seems dead from the net-covered window of our tent. Nothing living was seen anywhere in the school compound and I felt momentarily placed into a world where only I was awake to witness. Nothing really happened as I soon found myself busy with killing off the mosquitoes that rest on the walls and windows of our shelter. Soon my friends woke up to see their classmate stained with big smudges of blood and I was not surprised when they asked who have I murdered during their slumber. We all thought of sleeping in more but everyone got up soon and went ahead, particularly the boys who mostly skipped showering for reasons I did not bother to ponder over.

We too had to eventually get up and get ready. Though there were some complications and only Denise and I had to skip showering and brush our teeths before changing to our St. Johns Tee. We proceeded to breakfast which I remember involved nasi lemak, fried chicken and milo. The picture is again took by Chan and includes Kaiyeesha, one of the girls involved with our "Wild Child" movie watching. Later we learned we were the only group of girls who actually slept through night aside from Robert. The other two tents you saw in the previous picture? They were empty at night. Their tenants all move to the office and slept with air con and less/no mosquitoes. This is the part where we really felt proud. I mean we actually slept the whole night in a tent outdoors when people have doubted that we could. Pretty proud of that, sure its in school but I've feel its something. Haha.

After morning meals, we then had to practice for marching which was alright. Before we officially marched though, we had a treasure hunt that involves finishing 4 obstacles and then finding some answers with the help of clues around the school building. It was fun with having to race to finish everything before the other two houses and we ran a lot here and there. Occasionally taking breaks and drinking water from the water fountain because of all the running. After that we had to march and once marching was over, we had an award ceremony where bags filled with snacks and trophies to those who  achieved the most in each event. Scouts were the overall champion. The camp officially was over but we all still hung out together in the school a bit longer. We went and took more pictures for memories.

Here is me, Denise, Evelyn and Kaiyeesha (from left to right) replaying the scene in the movie Wild Child. It turned out better than we envisioned which was a version much lamer than this.

This was taken from Evelyn if I'm not mistaken. Everybody apart from Fran was attempting the duckface because its rare of us to do anything mainstream so you could consider this to be rather ironic. I really like this photo from all the others though.

My polaroid for some reason had some malfunctions on the first day but on the second day it worked fine and dandy again. This was one good photo that came from it. All four of us in front of the volleyball court. I placed this in my photo album along with my other polaroid pictures.

Camp was a really good experience and lots of the student that attended want it to happen again next year. Hopefully they do and more people join if if it happens. I'm still dwelling on the fact we were the only group of girls who slept in a tent the whole night though. Victory!


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