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A Shoe In

Now I just wanted you know that I didn't get all these stuff in one or two recent shopping trips. This was all just gather over a long period of time since I don't buy shoes a lot and tend to just keep wearing one style of shoes till I can't anymore. That's just how I've always roll and hence why I love investing in a good pair of shoes, so lets get on with the first one:

I fell in love with these in my last trip to KL because I was really into the whole basic minimalistic look and if you're wondering if the stitches around the body of the shoes came with it, it didn't. While they weren't priced especially cheap, they weren't expensive either and eventually there was a split in the soles. So when I brought it to repairs, the cobbler basically said gluing it would eventually have it split again and recommended stitching it. Since you wouldn't noticed if I wore them, I honestly didn't mind because I still really wanted to continue using them as you can see the wear on them at the edges. Travelling with this was great because I look casual and clean thanks to the all black leather look. It made being out and about comfortable and helped put even a casual look put together. It's definitely an essential for me living in KK as sometimes going open toes helps me cope with the heat.

This was from my US trip couples years back and I think these were my best steal because I got them from sale so it was only 14USD and it was the only one left in my size. I like how it deceivingly looks like oxford shoes from the front but had this cutout at the side and the interwoven leather on it was really interesting. They made me thought of the rattan mats that I grew up with which I thought was so cool. There's something formal yet still casual appropriate that this pair ties together and I earned a ton of compliments for them whenever I decide to wear them out. This even had a tag that states that the more I wear it out, the more vintage looking it'll be. I think it's a true statement because I remember its original shinier state whereas now it looks nicely aged and still of good quality. I do try not to really wear them often because I want to prolong the mint condition of the soles as long as I can. I typically pull these out whenever I want a bit of an androgynous touch to my ootds on some days and I definitely think these are the most interesting pair out of my small collection.

Cotton On had a "Buy 2 for RM80" promo as each pair cost between RM50-RM60. I went shopping with a friend so we both thought it be better to just buy it together so we can lower the charges. I haven't worn ballet flats or any sort of flats for ages which is weird thinking back about it because I had always love them but before these, I had rarely worn them for a couple years. Plus I needed to get something comfortable but close toed as well. So these caught my eye because of its leather texture and pointed front. I've been using this a lot and it's held up itself pretty well for all the hustle I had put it through. All while keeping me chic and ready for most of life's challenges. Its pretty versatile and I like how it isn't very feminine but more boss girl esque.

I had to concede to the whole white sneaker trend because I love it. I won't deny it; I know who I am and I'm not afraid of her. Maybe my bank account is but we both know who we should keep happy ultimately. I'm pretty sure I got this on discount so I paid this right below RM75 and it's been more than a year since I got it while still pretty good condition. It's exterior is leather material so it's easier to keep it stainless and clean off any smudges. I don't mind the stains around the edges though because it gives it a more worn in look that I dig (and I just don't wash my shoes all that often). I used it for most of my A-level journey and these has been in plenty of obstacles but always stuck to me in the end. Plus, I really love that the opening of it stop just right below my ankle so yay for ankle socks!

This is undeniably one of my favourite pair because I was surprised how close the beige shade was to my own skin tone. It really made it seem at a glance that I wasn't even wearing them. The straps also gives a combine leather pattern of block and strappy that I find both minimal but creative. I really like that both straps have two different texture to them as well. It's low heeled so it makes walking around in these a better situation to be in while still giving me some height. I really cherish these pair so I don't often wear it to try prolong its lifespan but when I do, I like the challenge of curating an outfit to go with them.

It was getting close to my graduation from my A-levels and I needed a pair to match for my all black ensemble and spotted this clothing shop up in Metro Town that I've never been before. My mum was in the fitting room after a few minutes in there while I was browsing around till I saw these. It felt to me anyway like meeting the one. I had always ALWAYS love the strappy heel trend, even after it long passed and gone. It was simple and classy and foolproof to any outfits you come up with. The big upside to this was that the heel was thick and not too high which meant I could easily wear this out to town or for something formal. Real talk though: I wore this on one of my days for work and within couple hours,the front strap snapped and my day had to be saved by some flats I brought in case. I am in the midst of getting it to a cobbler but my heart nearly rip apart as much as those straps; that is how much I love these pair. A pretty cool thing was these shoes were from a 2013 collection so the price for these were way less than I thought.

So that wraps up the haul I had lining up. I wanted to post this out because there are two more parts to the beauty hauls and give you guys some sort of intermediate before that. I hope you like this post and if you have a favourite pair of trusty shoes, I love to know why down in the comments. Till next time guys.


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