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College: The Survival of You

Hi guys, this is my second post to the college collab I'm doing with Denise so be sure to check her out too and lets get this started:

1# It's fine to not be fine
I am naturally a more laid back person than hard working. Particularly because I was encouraged a lot to work hard at my studies and being a person who lets reverse psychology work on her, I tend to not heed that advice. This in turn was responded with more severe pressure and nagging that I could not deal and it made me sick and anxious and at one point pretty depress in the worse way. Now with going through a transition where I bear more responsibilities, I find myself really beating myself up. If anything college, pre-uni or university teaches you, its that you'll definitely meet people who are way better than you at the start of your first semester. You may have been top whatever in your high school but its another story in tertiary studies. So it really brought me down when I find I was no where close to my top classmates but after awhile I start to find my own in this new independent academic system that pushes you to pick up your slack. We have our days where we're just not fine with anything like how you don't start with a social circle sometimes when you start your intake or the lectures are lost to you and I find it really brings down not only me but other friends I know going through it. Just know - as cliché as this is - that it's okay not to be okay. I honestly think that once you accept this, the answer is easier to find and do.

2# Social circles changes
It may be tough as you transition from teen to adult or at least young adult. What hits is how friends are vital people to have around this time. If you're living in dorms or with your schoolmates, you will try to book plans to hang. Friday dinners. Saturday chill outs. One meal together can make a whole difference of de-stressing. I have my Saturday jogging with some group of friends that honestly is about the only thing I look forward to in a week. We catch up and reminiscence about out high school times. However my A levels exams are drawing close so chances are I'll be doing a huge distractions cleanse. Or at least try. So far in my Pre-Uni experience and I clearly did not know what I've signed up for. Still it has its upsides, like I wouldn't meet the most incredible and inspiring people who I am happy to call my friends today. Its clearly more diverse here than in my high school as there are more people and thoughts and ideas that it is truly amazing and in a lot of ways I have learned from them values that rivals my own academic gaining. It took awhile to get to a point where I was socially more permeable due to a lot of awkwardness and overwhelming emotions and happenings.Chances are most of your high school friends fade into the background and you hold close a special few while getting along more with your currents peers who have more in common with you and its tots great because they change and so do you so just enjoy the ride.

3# Gain and/or Level Up
I've also been keeping track of a lot fashion articles via twitter and been styling up some outfits. I've gathered quite a haul and I know I have promised so many posts especially from my US trip but I promise to introduce them to you bit by bit in future haul posts. Its important to set some goal of a hobby of yours or discover new ones to keep yourself well rounded. The more swarm up I am with revisions and exams, the more I appreciate my off time when I have them. I conked out after returning to school because of the long hours but now I actually try to stay awake till its really time for bed. So I highly recommend you reach out into a new world or continue to hone a skill you got. I want to work and earn but I also think that if you have any time at all even just a bit to dive into what you love and grow from it, grasp it while you can. Heck go join a competition or something, get some experience out there because they could do you some good someday. 

4# Work Smart, Play Hard
Final advice: work smart, not hard. I think a hard worker will always be very valuable but a smart worker will always be very innovative. I like to keep all my notes in their own respected files as its just easier to know where they are whenever I need them. If you got one free period, use it well if you're the type who can't study at home a lot. I go to the library and sometimes that prevents me from using an hour to nap; unless I didn't get enough sleep the night before. It's a struggle for a lot of people (obviously me included) but its no brainer that you have to really allocate your time well to get things down so work out a schedule for yourself. This will definitely be something you will need to do. Plus it's also a route where you find time to do the other things that you would rather engage in like writing or youtubing or whatever you honestly just enjoy doing. Don't stop taking the random trips around town, catching up with your friends or even your daily cardio. Its important to go out there and do stuff. We're at a point in our life where we get to decide what we want to do, so make sure to never lose sight of you in the midst of that responsibility.

That concludes my post, remember to click  Denise here to go to her blog for her posts. I hope you guys find our posts anyway helpful and thanks for reading! Do comment if you have any other tips our maybe experience on Pre-U or higher and look forward to the next post!


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