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If a boy can cry wolf, could he not cry rape?
Do you give fake hopes as high as the heels she wears for you?
Could you not be there for when your parents fall because of their ailing bodies just as they were there for you when yours fail?

"Are you sure he err...assaulted you? (You're a man for chrissake)"
"Well he did sound like he goes around, I mean you should have known better.(Get over it geez)"
"Oh you know them these days. All about their career and their wives and their nose-picking children. (He'll visit I'm sure, you're worrying too much)."

I can't bring myself near that alleyway anymore. I can still hear his voice whenever I do. No, I wasn't just assaulted. Why why WHY can't you see that I am fighting back?
Known better? How? In his smile when he looks at me? When he murmurs to me that I am his "one and only"? Was it when we exchanged promises one night? Tell me how could have I known?
One more year. That was the time I had left according to my doctor. One more year and I don't know how I could break it to them. He should at least call to check on his own mother once in awhile. Have a child they say; it'll bring you insurmountable joy. They left out the part where they'll fly away from you someday, taking your heart with them.


Hey guys. Here's a little something for you from a burst of inspiration and Kevin Kantor's "People You May Known" that I thought of conveying. Click his name to see what I'm talking about, Also just to help your understanding of this:

First paragraph is the intro of the 3 character's concerns. Second is the people around them reactions. Third is the thoughts of the character's themselves. Do comment and tell me what you think. As always, thanks.


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