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Showing posts from July, 2015


If a boy can cry wolf, could he not cry rape? Do you give fake hopes as high as the heels she wears for you? Could you not be there for when your parents fall because of their ailing bodies just as they were there for you when yours fail? "Are you sure he err...assaulted you? (You're a man for chrissake)" "Well he did sound like he goes around , I mean you should have known better.(Get over it geez)" "Oh you know them these days. All about their career and their wives and their nose-picking children. (He'll visit I'm sure, you're worrying too much)." I can't bring myself near that alleyway anymore. I can still hear his voice whenever I do. No, I wasn't just assaulted. Why why WHY can't you see that I am  fighting back? Known better ? How? In his smile when he looks at me? When he murmurs to me that I am his "one and only"? Was it when we exchanged promises one night? Tell me how could  have I known?


I've just finished trial exams and so here's me blog rejuvenating over the emotional tense I've been feeling for awhile by giving you guys a quick know how of my life so far. I can tell you there has been considerable selfies in my phone from my carpool gang which includes Cristy there. We go by names like "Dash Express" because the driver's name is really Dash and we have our reality show called "Keeping up with the Dash" in our snapchat and its basically just three girls who means the world to Dash ahaha. By the way, he treats us to pizza too. I helped out with my school Grad Night and even achieved arriving with my girls in individual jumpsuits. Coordination on point. I got to continue most of my jogging sessions with my other gal pals too. Went on a brief but a much needed vacay at Kudat. The beaches and salty breeze is definitely the perfect unwind for me any time. Palm trees were especially a thing for me as they now remind me of my short